
Professor Khyati Y. Joshi is a scholar who not only researches and writes about prejudice, privilge and social justice, but also conducts anti-bias workshops for organizations across disciplines and industries. A sought-after consultant and facilitator, her programs provide participants the tools to enhance both their own and their organizations' ability to provide inclusive, meaningful services and experiences in an increasingly connected and diverse world. With a unique approach developed from years of cutting-edge scholarship and practical experience, Dr. Joshi listens to each group’s specific concerns to develop a customized workshop series that engages attendees and challenges them to learn and grow individually and as a team. The result is impactful, eye-opening diversity and equity work that strengthens the organization overall. Higher education, K-12 public and independent schools, non-profit organizations, corporations, courts and lawyers’ associations have all benefited from her analyses of the historical and systemic nature of bias, its consequences in everyday life, and the solutions that foster equity and inclusiveness. Consulting projects are customized to each client’s specific needs, and can include single and multi-day workshops, large and small-group work, focused training for leadership teams, and more. Learn about workshops and read testimonials below and at See the list of presentations here.
In SJ101, participants are introduced to social justice by critically examining their own dominant (advantaged) and marginalized (disadvantaged) identities and how those identities intersect to shape how they experience and interact with the world around them. Through this process, augmented with historic and contemporary information on inequality at the individual and institutional levels, participants also develop a personal understanding of how their lived experience is different from others’ around them, and that these differences are important to recognize as they engage with others at work and in the community. SJ101 is a two-day workshop, conducted on non-consecutive days to allow participants the opportunity to reflect and observe the first day’s learnings in preparation for the second day when they will build on prior knowledge and experiences and develop concrete strategies to apply in the workplace, classroom, community, etc.
Anti-bias education is fundamentally concerned with developing a socially conscious curriculum and pedagogical techniques which allow all participants to reflect on their social identities and further develop their understanding of themselves and those around them in positive, mutually respectful ways. In this workshop, participants will discuss the fundamental tenets of anti-bias education, examine their current curricular offerings, and discuss strategies to develop and implement a comprehensive anti-bias curriculum. SJ101 is a prerequisite to this intermediate/advance workshop.
This workshop introduces participants to the concept of racial identity development, a process that all Americans go through -- not just people of color. Understanding how each of us is racialized, and the meaning given to racial formation, brings context and understanding to personal and professional interactions and helps all participants better understand our world. This seminar will present an overview of racial identity development models for white people and for people of color. (Obviously, the process differs substantially from individual to individual and group to group.) Attendees will leave the seminar with a better understanding of themselves and the ways in which their experience and self-perception may differ from others’ who are a different racial or ethnic background. Understand the institutional and societal factors that impact their lives and of their colleagues, clients, and others will make them better equipped to deal with racial encounters and bring conflicts to a more positive outcome.
Building Inclusive Teams is designed to inspire honest dialogue about current diversity and equity challenges participants may be facing in the workplace, in hiring and human resources (including selection committees), or in other professional or personal contexts.In this workshop, participants reflect on how organizational cultures and policies impact them based on their social identities. Through dialogue and team breakout sessions, participants identify ways to grapple with these challenges, allowing team members and managers to gain a better of understanding of group needs and how policies can help or hinder the development of genuine workplace diversity and inclusion.
IDSJ’s 4- and 5-day summer sessions are developed for educators to gain awareness, increase knowledge, and acquire and practice skills. This intensive program engages participants’ heads, hearts, and hands in a process that will make them more aware of their own biases and privileges and better equipped to teach and lead in 21st-century classrooms and schools. Educators will engage in purposeful planning and developing a toolkit for their grade levels or disciplines. We will also discuss how racial identity development impacts their teaching practices, and consider best practices teacher-student and teacher-family interaction. Topics include:
- Overview of Multicultural/Social Justice Education & Culturally Relevant Teaching
- Advantaged and Disadvantaged Identities
- Addressing Racism, Privilege & Bias at the Institutional Level
- Examining White Privilege in Our Everyday Lives
- What Does it Mean to Be an Ally?
- Racial Identity Development
- Anti-bias/Social Justice Curriculum Development and Pedagogy
Space is limited because the Institute provides individual attention and small-group work. Schools, school districts, and school associations interested in participating, or in hosting a future summer institute, should contact us.