DEI is more than race and gender. It’s faith, too.
12 October 2022

Joshi, K.Y. (2022). Toward Building a More Just and Equitable Society: A Response to Jones and Meyer, Journal of Interreligious Studies. Vol 36, p.87-96.
Why 'Merry Christmas' is better than 'Happy Holidays' for Americans of all Faiths
17 December 2021

The Battle Over CRT Is a Manufactured Crisis. Here’s Why We Still Have To Fight It.
18 August 2021
For Indian American Hindus, loving India doesn't mean holding back our criticism
2 June 2021
The Swastika and the 4 H's
24 March 2021
Kamala Harris can show Americans how we share our faiths
21 January 2021

Systemic Religious Oppression Benefits White Christians - and Christians of Color too
Faithfully Magazine
7 January 2021
Joshi, K.Y. (2018). Race and Religion in Public Life. In J. Corrigan (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Religion in America. London : Oxford University Press.
Joshi, K.Y. (2018). Race, Religion, and South Asian Immigration. In P. Harvey & K. G. Lum (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Race in American History. London : Oxford University Press.
Joshi, K.Y. (2016). Racialization of religion and Global Migration. In J. B. Saunders, S. Snyder, & E. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (Eds.), Intersections of Religion and Migration, (pp. 123-149).
Iwamura, Jane, Joshi, Khyati Y., Suh, Sharon, & Wong, Janelle. (2014). Reflections on the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life’s Asian Americans: A Mosaic of Faiths Data and Report. Amerasia, 40(1), 1-16.
Malik, Sylvia, & Joshi, Khyati Y. (2014). Asian American Religions in Globalized World. Amerasia, 40(1), vii-xx.

Co-Editor: Amerasia Journal - Special Issue: Religion and Asian America
UCLA Asian American Studies Center Spring 2014.

Joshi, K.Y. (2013) Standing Up and Speaking Out: Hindu communities in Metro Atlanta. In Joshi, K.Y. & Desai, J. (Eds), Asian Americans and the South: Race and Migration in Dixie. Athens: University of Georgia Press.

Joshi, K. Y. (2012). Religion in the Lives of Second-Generation Indian American Hindus. In R. Jeung & C. Chen (Eds.), Sustaining Faith Traditions: Race, Ethnicity, and Religionamong the Latino and Asian American Second Generation. New York: New York University Press.

Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education, Sage Publications, (2012), California
Editor: James Banks
Editorial Board Member and Contributor for Religion in Schools and Society
Authored the following entries:
Christian Privilege | Curriculum, Religion | December Dilemma | Hate Crimes (religion) | Post September 11 Hate Crimes | Teaching about Religion | Religion, Schools and the Courts

Asian Americans and Religion: Pew Study Highlights Hindu, Buddhist Diversity
19 July 2012

Adams, M. and Joshi, K.Y. (2010). Religion Oppression: Introduction. Readings for Diversity and Social Justice. New York: Routledge, p.227-233.

Reprinted in :
Gallavan, Nancy (2010), Annual Editions: Multicultural Education, 15/e, 15th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Future of Hinduism Temples and Pujas: Hinduism in the Second Generation (2010)

Joshi, K.Y. (2009). Hinduism. In P. Goff (Ed), The Blackwell Companion to Religion in America. Boston: Blackwell Publishing, p.559-568.

Blumenfeld, Warren, J. Joshi, K.Y., Fairchild, E. (2009) Introduction in Introduction to Christian Privilege and Religious Oppression in the US. Amsterdam:Sense Publishers, p.vii-xix.

Joshi, K. Y. (2007). Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism in America. In C. T. Lippy (Ed.), Faith in America. Westport: CT: Praeger, 107-128.
Joshi, K. Y., & Adams, M. (2007). Religious Oppression. In M. Adams, L. A. Bell & P. Griffin (Eds.), Teaching for diversity and social justice: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge, p. 255-284.

Bell, L., Joshi, K.Y., Zuniga, X. (2007). Globalization, Immigration and Racism. In M. Adams, L. A. Bell & P. Griffin (Eds.), Teaching for diversity and social justice: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge, 145-166.
A minority amidst my own, Khabar magazine (2007)
Joshi, K.Y. (2006) Guest Editor's Introduction, Equity and Excellence in Education:Special Issue: Beliefs and Biases: Ethnic/Religious Oppression in Schools, 39(3), 177-180.

Joshi, K. Y. (2006). The Racialization of Hinduism, Islam, and Sikhism in the United States. Equity and Excellence in Education, 39(3), 211-226.

Encyclopedia of Racism, Greenwood Press, (2005)
Editor: Pyong Gap Min
Authored the following entries:
Acting White Stage | Color Blind Racism | Color Hierarchy | Covert Racism | Dotbuster | Ethnic and Racial Diversities | Internalized Racism | Lau v. Nichols | Multiculturalism | Religious Right | Symbolic Racism | The Nature of Prejudice | Modern Racism | Tokenism | Racialization | Religion and Racism | Violence against non Judeo-Christians