“Is the United States a Religiously Pluralistic Nation?”
Invited Presentation
Connecticut Council for Interreligious Understanding & Hartford Seminary
May 2008

South Asian American students: What teachers and administrators need to know,
Invited Presentation
April 2008

Race, Religion and Culture in the U.S.
February 2008
Religion in Schools
Selected Workshop
Connecticut Chapter of National Association of Multicultural Education.
October 2007
Racism and Indian American Students
Selected Paper
American Educational Research Association
April 2007

"New Roots" Book Talk
Northwestern University Department of Sociology
April 2007
"New Roots" Book Talk
Fairleigh Dickinson University
March 2007
Talking about Religious Oppression and Unpacking Christian Privilege
Selected Full day Pre-Conference Institute
National Association of Multicultural Educators
November 2006
Religion & South Asian Americans, Member of Panel on the Future Direction of South Asian American Studies
Association of Asian American Studies
November 2006

Multiple and Varied: Connecting Transnational Lives
Thirty-fifth Annual Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies Conference
October 2006

"New Roots" Book Talk
Fairleigh Dickinson University
October 2006

"New Roots" Book Talk
Catholic and Jesuit Identity Lecture Series
October 2006

Racialization of Religion in US Schools
Selected Paper
American Educational Research Association
April 2006
Talking about Religious Oppression and Unpacking Christian Privilege
Invited ½ day Pre-Conference Institute
National Association of Multicultural Educators
November 2005
Scholars of Color and Positions of Power,
Panel Member
Asian Pacific Americans and Religion Research Initiative (APARRI), Rooted and Reaching: Contextualizing Pacific and Asian North American Religion
August 2005

Invited participant to "The Summit on the Status of Asian Pacific Islanders in Education"
Convened by National Education Association
January 2005
A Model of South Asian American Social Service: Mentoring Immigrant Youth
Chair and Discussant
Association of Asian American Studies
March 2004

Religious Diversity Can Bring People Together
Invited Speaker
The NCCJ Newark Youth and Community Summit "Overcoming Urban Challenges"
January 2004
Desis in Dixie: Indian American Experiences of Religion and Race in Atlanta
Selected Paper
American Academy of Religion
November 2003
Messages about Religion and Language from Bollywood Films
Selected Paper
Association of Asian American Studies (AAAS)
May 2003

The Intersections of race, ethnicity and religion in Indian America
Invited Guest Speaker
Yale University
February 2003
Asian American Studies and Education: We Need More Teachers
Plenary Panel Speaker
Asian Pacific American Race and Religion Initiative
November 2002

Teaching Asian American Studies immediately following September 11th 2001
Selected Panel Presentation
Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education
November 2002

Drawing outside the Lines: Extending the Boundaries of Asian North American Religions
Asian North American Religion, Culture, and Society Group at the American Academy of Religion
November 2002
The Role of Religion in Ethnic Identity Development in Second-generation Indian Americans
Association of Asian American Studies (AAAS)
Selected Paper
April 2002
Experiences of Religious Discrimination in the Ethnic Identity Development of Second-Generation Indian Americans
Asian Pacific American Race and Religion Initiative
Selected Paper
August 2001
The Role of Mentoring in promoting Asian American Student Activism
Association of Asian American Studies (AAAS)
Selected Paper
November 2000

The Need for Mentoring Programs for South Asian American Youth
Guest Lecturer
October 2000

South Asian American Immigrants and Religion
Asian Pacific American Race and Religion Initiative
June 2000

The Other2: South Asian American Students in Education Selected Paper
National Association of Multicultural Educators
Selected Paper
November 1999

Immigrant Children: Education's Impact on Ethnic Identity Development
Guest Lecturer
April 1999

Building Asian American Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Association of Asian American Studies (AAAS), 13th National Conference
Selected Paper
April 1999

Antisemitism and Homophobia
Guest Lecturer
March 1999

Asian American and African American Students: Mirror Images & Parallel Experiences
Teachers College 11th Annual Winter Roundtable: Race and Racism in Education and Psychology
Selected Presentation
February 1999

Asian American Racial/Ethnic Identity Development
Guest Lecturer
October 1997

South Asian American Racial Identity Development
Invited Lecturer
September 1997

Our Educational Environment: An Intergroup Dialogue Between Students of Color and White Students
May 1994

Activist or Pacifists?
Selected Speaker
Leadership Seminar for Asian American Student Leaders
June 1991